古宅老友记第三季 6集全

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分类:欧美剧 英国 2021









演员:夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon

更新时间:2022-11-28 12:02


Ghosts returns for a third series following young couple Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who unexpectedly inherit a grand country estate only to find it is both falling apart and overrun with ghosts. When a historical documentary team comes to film at Button House, Alison and the ghosts are shocked to discover that the assassination plot they’re exploring involves one of their own. Meanwhile, Mike - always on the lookout for free publicity - begs Alison to accept the offer of a television interview about the old house. The only hitch is Alison is terrified of speaking on camera. Luckily, Thomas is there to coach her in the art of speech-giving. What could possibly go wrong?


《古宅老友记第三季》这部剧的收视率还不错,但是口碑总体来说一般。网络褒贬不一,《古宅老友记第三季》在某瓣的评分还没开分,不过热评里面大部分几乎都是吐槽。小编自己也看了这部剧,夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon还是演的挺好的。


《古宅老友记第三季》于2021在英国上映,《古宅老友记第三季》由导演:尼克·科莱特执导,夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon领衔主演的欧美剧。


Ghosts returns for a third series following young couple Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who unexpectedly inherit a grand country estate only to find it is both falling apart and overrun with ghosts. When a historical documentary team comes to film at Button House, Alison and the ghosts are shocked to discover that the assassination plot they’re exploring involves one of their own. Meanwhile, Mike - always on the lookout for free publicity - begs Alison to accept the offer of a television interview about the old house. The only hitch is Alison is terrified of speaking on camera. Luckily, Thomas is there to coach her in the art of speech-giving. What could possibly go wrong?


《古宅老友记第三季》是一部欧美剧电视剧,由导演:尼克·科莱特执导,主演:夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon,

Ghosts returns for a third series following young couple Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who unexpectedly inherit a grand country estate only to find it is both falling apart and overrun with ghosts. When a historical documentary team comes to film at Button House, Alison and the ghosts are shocked to discover that the assassination plot they’re exploring involves one of their own. Meanwhile, Mike - always on the lookout for free publicity - begs Alison to accept the offer of a television interview about the old house. The only hitch is Alison is terrified of speaking on camera. Luckily, Thomas is there to coach her in the art of speech-giving. What could possibly go wrong?


《古宅老友记第三季》因强大IP基因,开播前就备受瞩目,《古宅老友记第三季》未播先热成焦点。《古宅老友记第三季》如今更收视飘红,话题不断,成为辞旧迎新跨年之际现象级大剧。唯美画风,考究服饰、道具,至少5元钱戳眼特效,大众熟知的《古宅老友记第三季》,高能虐心剧情都为剧加分多多。此外,偶像明星夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon拼颜值、斗演技,主配角成功人设与演绎,也在很大程度上拉动且加持了《古宅老友记第三季》收视口碑双飞大势。全民看脸的时代,《古宅老友记第三季》夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon高颜值绝对对得起拥趸笃粉。人气爆棚当红偶像明星夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,洛利·阿德福普,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德,卡蒂·威克斯,萨贾雅·达什古普塔,杰弗里·麦吉弗伦,克洛伊·德拉尼,杰西卡·奈佩特,亚历山大·欧文,亚尼·桑德,阿尼雅·马森,Ben Ashenden,David Ahmad,Nathan Bryon颜值大放送,令无数舔屏族竞折舌,已在预料之中,他们颜值高到令人侧目、仰望,演技更让人弹眼落睛。特别是虐心爱情戏,更成为高瓦斯含量的催泪弹,让无数欧美剧迷泪牛满面。


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